Get my free STAR Interview Basics Worksheet now

I'm glad you've found the Interview Prep Roadmap series useful, and that it brought you here.

Let me help you prepare for Level 1 of interview questions. Once you master answering these questions, you’ll be ready to move to the next step.

I’ve put together a great worksheet that you can use to prepare: Level 1: STAR Interview Worksheet.

  • Tab 1 gives you tips on what to include in your answers and provides general timing goals so you know how long your answers should be.
  • Tab 2 is a fillable worksheet with the top behavioral questions across the top, and spaces for you to fill in 2 versions of an answer to each question. It’s always a good idea to have more than one story prepared to answer each question to give yourself options during an interview.

Having worked with 100s of students & clients, I know that successful candidates start with answering these Level 1 questions before they move to harder role-specific ones.

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    I wish you the best of luck in your interviews!